Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Kelly and Ships and Sealing Wax

I love ice breakers....and I am not referring stupid conversation topics. I am referring to ships that break through layers of thick polar ice with the intensity of a bat out of hell. During the month of January we received three visits from three ships: The U.S. Coast Guard's ice breaker, our supply vessel, and our fuel tanker.....And I snooped around all of those ships.
Captain Kelly aboard her floating kingdom
Ah yes....the Polar Star. Crashing through the ice like a mighty sloth

The Polar Star docked up at our ice pier.

Taking a crack at navigation in the bridge

Keeping a watchful eye out for pirates

"I do believe there is a smallish iceberg ahead."

I would make an awesome "Coastie"

Unloading the containers from that massive vessel took over a week. Thank goodness I was wearing my muscle leggings.

Navigating with an old fashioned sextant

Crushed it!

Another vintage navigational device...A Constellation Globe
Stop complaining, Boys. Navigating a vessel is easy!

The world's smallest ship helm.....Not kidding....This is how they steer that huge tanker

It still takes intense muscle to turn that tiny helm

This little guy is about to single-handedly hijack the ship.
This is our oil tanker. It unloaded several millions of gallons of fuel for the upcoming winter season.
I did nothing to contribute to the unloading of fuel. (I just pose for pictures). All the fuel runs through those pipes and into our fuel lines that snake around McMurdo Station.

...And we bid a fond farewell to our empty fuel tanker....riding oh so high in the water

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