Friday, January 15, 2016

My Doppelganger Ego Check

Unfortunately my ice friends have discovered that I bear a striking resemblance to Bette Midler from Hocus Pocus. 

(Out of all the celebrities in Hollywood, people are constantly identifying me with a middle-aged Jewish woman.....and the sad truth is I can't even sing).

After our department Christmas party, this spliced photo went viral at McMurdo Station....hahaha.

I struggle with "high self-esteem" issues, and I tend to brandish my adventures and my self-proclaimed awesomeness to any obliging audience.

So if my ego ever gets out of check (which often-times it does), one of my well-meaning colleagues will send me a gentle reminder that I am indeed NOT Audrey Hepburn walking around in Grace Kelly's body.

Hahaha, I just love my colleagues....

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